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Student resources arranged by topic and grade level.



Links and Resources for Teachers



Information about the Mobile Makerspace



Information about training and speaking opportunities. – Coming Soon

Meredith Martin


The ramblings of a teacher geek.

Bammy Awards Finalist




Happy New Year

Happy 2016!  I decided to disconnect over the holiday break to spend time with family and friends, but now I’m back and catching up. I did have some Maker fun over the break as well – I spent a day at Maker Depot running a STEM Challenge day for their...

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Lightsaber Build

This weekend I joined the folks at Maker Depot for a lightsaber class.  It was tons of fun, and resulted in an awesome looking prop lightsaber.  They are fun and easy to make with just a few items.  Here’s how! Materials:       Let’s Build...

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Must Print All The Things!

I have discovered that 3D printing is highly addicting.  Once you start, you just want to make more and more!  It doesn’t help when many of your friends are also hooked on 3D printing and keep sharing ideas and models.  I have a feeling a good portion of my...

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Camping #STEM

You know you are a STEM obsessed teacher when… …you are already planning activities for next year, and it’s only December!  Every fall we take our fifth graders camping for three days in the Delaware Water Gap.  I go along as the photographer, and we...

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