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Yesterday was a ton of fun.  My friend @kerszi and I drove up to visit @davezirk at the 5eBoard HQ.  He was hosting #HackSunday, a maker day for our crazy band of maker educators.  There was an open door policy and people were popping in and out all day.  There was no formal plan, just show up, bring a project or two, and learn while socializing.  IMG_20160110_092238944

There were tons of great projects and discussions going on, from building with cardboard, to MakeyMakey projects, electronics and arduino instruction, robotics, and more.


While @kerszi and I had planned to make a short visit, we ended up staying until almost 5pm, wrapped up in various projects.  @danborghoff and I worked on making an Altoid Tin Fume Extractor (post coming soon!), @kerszi was learning electronics, and @gersteinj made a robotic grabber!

It was a wonderful day and a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones.  I can’t wait for the next one!
