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Edscape 2012

This was my second Edscape conference, and it was even more awesome than last year’s since I brought a coworker with me!  We started our day with an inspirational keynote by Vicki Davis. She shared some of her experiences as a teacher, and talked about how there...

iPad Rollout

This week is an exciting one!  I am rolling out the iPads to all of my classes.  We have a mobile cart that will be available for teachers to sign out and use in their rooms whenever they want to include iPads in the lessons.  To help them get ready for this, I am...

Class Dojo's New App

I am a huge fan of Class Dojo, which I raved about in a previous post.  I’ve managed to infect several other teachers in our district with my love of this site, and they in turn have gone on to share with with their grade-level partners and other co-workers....