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The First Official STEM Lab Lesson

The First Official STEM Lab Lesson

Yesterday was an exciting day.  After months of work, the STEM Lab hosted its first lesson.  My 6th graders are studying waves, and the teachers requested a hands on lesson for that topic.  After much searching, I had collected a variety of ways to incorporate...
STEM Lab Update

STEM Lab Update

It’s been a while since I posted about my progress in transforming my old computer lab into a brand new STEM lab.  Mrs. Jordan (Art teacher and best friend!) has been working with me to make this space engaging and inviting to the students and teachers....
Robotics For Kids

Robotics For Kids

This week I was in the classrooms for computer class at my K-3 building due to MAP testing in the lab.  Rather than have pencil and paper activities, I decided to share some fun videos on robotics with the kids.  I shared them with my first and second graders, and...
Super STEAM Sites

Super STEAM Sites

My STEM Lab is almost ready to officially open, and I’ve been spending a lot of time looking for ideas and lessons to use once we open the doors.  In the course of my searching, I’ve come across a few awesome sites that deserve sharing out. For those of us...