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A Trip To #Maker Heaven

A Trip To #Maker Heaven

Last week I rang up my dad to see if he wanted to go to Harbor Freight with me.  I wanted to browse for some new additions to my Maker Toolbag, so that one day it will be as awesome as @davezirk‘s Bag Of Holding.  We spent about an hour puttering in the store as...
#SemicolonEDU – My Turn To Share

#SemicolonEDU – My Turn To Share

What is #SemicolonEDU? Excellent question.  It’s a movement based on the Semicolon Project that aims to highlight the importance of mental health among educators.  Too many educators these days struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression,...
STEM Lab Update

STEM Lab Update

It’s been a while since I posted about my progress in transforming my old computer lab into a brand new STEM lab.  Mrs. Jordan (Art teacher and best friend!) has been working with me to make this space engaging and inviting to the students and teachers....
Robotics For Kids

Robotics For Kids

This week I was in the classrooms for computer class at my K-3 building due to MAP testing in the lab.  Rather than have pencil and paper activities, I decided to share some fun videos on robotics with the kids.  I shared them with my first and second graders, and...