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Gotta Catch ‘Em All….In The Classroom?

Gotta Catch ‘Em All….In The Classroom?

Yesterday I attended Edcamp Leadership South Jersey for another great day of learning with fellow educators.  As usual, there were a lot of fascinating sessions to attend.  While we were watching the session board fill up, I was chatting with Brian Costello about the...
Education Templates In #GAFE

Education Templates In #GAFE

While many people are familiar with Google Apps For Education and use tools such as Docs and Slides on a regular basis, not everyone is aware of the collection of professionally designed templates available for these tools.  Even I tend to forget once in a while...
Wordswag: An Addicting Typography App

Wordswag: An Addicting Typography App

I have a new addiction.  There’s this simple little app called Wordswag that I just can’t keep away from.  It lets you enter quotes/sayings/phrases/whatever, choose a background from a ton of free images or upload your own, and then generates beautiful...