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The other weekend I went to Norristown, PA for the Ednado conference.  What was unique about this gathering of educators was the location.  Instead of the usual school building, we met at the showroom for Corbett Inc., a provider of classroom furnishings.  But we’ll get to that in a minute.

I was asked to bring the Mobile Makerspace to Ednado, and was given space in a beautiful conference room to set up.  I had recently reorganized the Makerspace bins, putting the materials for each activity in a plastic tub, and it made for much easier setup and breakdown.  In addition to the normal projects, I also brought the drone I got at Maker Faire.  It was very clear early on that I am not a very good drone pilot, but the kids in attendance had a blast playing with it.

One of the great things about Ednado was that in addition to the Makerspace and the superb sessions, we also got to tour Corbett’s showroom of innovative classroom furniture.  I know many people don’t think classroom design is that important, but the types and arrangement of furniture in a room can have a profound effect on learning.  Check out some of the very cool furniture and ideas from Corbett below!