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The other day I mentioned @shakeuplearning‘s awesome Halloween Magnetic Poetry created in Google Drawings.  After reading about it, I was inspired to create my own.  After getting some programming assistance from @gersteinj, who created an amazing app to turn a word list into individual images for me, I got to work making several different magnetic poetry slides.  Each one has over 100 words, and the ‘Genius’ one has over 400!  Please feel free to make a copy of your own, and to share with anyone else interested.  These are a great activity for students, and if you use Google Classroom, it’s even easier to share it out with them.  Thanks again to @shakeuplearning for the inspiration for this!

Magnetic Poetry - For Kids

Magnetic Poetry – For Kids

Magnetic Poetry - Write A Story

Magnetic Poetry – Write A Story

Magnetic Poetry - Art

Magnetic Poetry – Art

Magnetic Poetry - Genius

Magnetic Poetry – Genius