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Dropbox Logo


Dropbox has become a lifesaver for me.  I am constantly switching between multiple computer (both PC and Mac) and multiple devices (iPads, iPhone, etc), and keeping track of important files no matter where I am was becoming a hassle.  Enter Dropbox.  This free and easy app lets you upload files to the cloud and access them on multiple devices no matter where you are.  You can create a Dropbox folder directly on any computers you use, and access it just like any other folder.  The best part about it, though, is that any files you place in your Dropbox – on any device – automatically sync in the cloud.  If I add a file to my Dropbox folder on my Mac, it automatically becomes available through the Dropbox web interface, through my iPhone/Pad apps, and on any other computer I installed it on.  Now I can get to my files anywhere.

One of the other neat features in Dropbox is the Public folder, and the ability to share individual folders with specific people.  The Public folder is just what it sounds like.  Anything you place in the Public folder is accessible by anyone with the link.  You can also use folder sharing to allow only certain people access to a particular folder.  I have both personal and shared folders in my Dropbox account.  The shared folders are great for sharing documents with my coworkers, and I’ve also created a student folder that is shared with my kids.  This way I can put project templates and resources in the student folder and they can all easily access them.

If you haven’t tried Dropbox yet, go check it out!