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Student resources arranged by topic and grade level.



Links and Resources for Teachers



Information about the Mobile Makerspace



Information about training and speaking opportunities. – Coming Soon

Meredith Martin


The ramblings of a teacher geek.

Bammy Awards Finalist




Flashlightsaber Build

So, I’ve been on a Star Wars kick lately with the new movie due out soon.  What better way to celebrate than to make a mini flashlightsaber with a flashlight from Harbor Freight and some 3D printing? Your cast of characters: Mini flashlight from Harbor Freight...

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Journey On The Rock Cycle

My fourth graders are learning about the rock cycle, and I found the game Journey On The Rock Cycle online.  In this activity, students move between different stations in the rock cycle, and roll a die at each one to discover what happens to their rock and where they...

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving my friends!  I hope you all have a relaxing holiday filled with family, friends, and food.  I am spending the holiday with my parents, and then on Friday I am joining a group of fellow educators for a day of fun and making at a friend’s design...

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Getting Geared Up For Hour Of Code

Next month, the annual Hour Of Code takes place.  I’ve had my students involved in this for years, and I am looking forward to introducing a new crop of kids to it this year.  In my K-3 building, I have started my introduction to programming unit with all of the...

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