Student resources arranged by topic and grade level.
Links and Resources for Teachers
Information about the Mobile Makerspace

Information about training and speaking opportunities. – Coming Soon

The ramblings of a teacher geek.Being A Maker Educator Means Never Having Time To Do Laundry
It’s sad but true. I’ve been so busy lately with work and MakerEd stuff that I have barely had time to even breathe! I can’t complain, though, I have been having a great time and learning a lot of new stuff to use in my classroom. So what have I...
read moreNew #STEM Toys To Try Out
I’m always looking for new things to try with my students, and I recently picked up two new ‘toys’ to test out for my classes. The first one is a project I backed on Kickstarter called Wink. Wink is a nifty little robot with programmable LED eyes...
read moreI Love First Graders
One of my first grade boys came to computer class last week with this folded up message for me. I love it! He even added my purple...
read moreThe @Extraordinaires Design Challenge – Part 2
I cannot even begin to express how much fun my students are having with this challenge! They are coming to the STEM lab keyed up and ready to dive into their projects. I’ve never seen them so excited before. This week, we move on to Phase 2 of the project....
read moreThe @Extraordinaires Design Challenge – Part 1
As we continue our design challenge unit, we have begun the Extraordinaires Design Challenge in grades 4-6. I first learned about the Extraordinaires kit from Kevin Jarrett, and it was too good to pass up. I picked up the Design Studio Pro from our local Barnes and...
read moreStarting Our Design Challenges
The past two weeks have been exceedingly exciting here in the STEM lab. We are starting our unit on the design process, and all of my classes have been doing the Ready, Set, Design! activity from the Cooper-Hewitt museum. Kevin Jarrett has been a great inspiration...
read moreDollar Store STEM – Fizzing Watercolors
Here’s a fun activity for younger students – Fizzing Watercolors! I needed a fun and simple activity for my self-contained classes, and this ended up being perfect. We made baking soda watercolor paints, and then dripped vinegar on the finished art to...
read more#CoffeeEduNJ
Sunday was another fun and learning filled #CoffeeEduNJ at the Better World Market in Somerset. We had a great group, including @alicekeeler, @mr_isaacs, @jrochelle, @Bec_Chirps, @meechele7, and many more. Topics ranged from gifted and talented education to cursive...
read more#Makerspace Workshop Resources
On Friday I had an amazing day talking about Makerspaces and STEM with a wonderful group of educators at the NJPSA headquarters. Almost forty teachers, curriculum coordinators, and administrators spent close to six hours listening to me talk about the how and why of...
read morePolar3D Educator Meetup January 23 At Maker Depot
Interested in 3D printing in education? Not sure how to get started? Join us at The Maker Depot on January 23, 2016 at 11am for a day of learning with a representative from Polar3d and several Polar3D Ambassadors, including myself. The workshop is FREE, but space is...
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