by Meredith Martin | Apr 18, 2013 | How-To, Presentations, professional development, Research, resources, Sharing, Storage, web app
Symbaloo for Content Curation & Discovery V.2 from Meredith...
by Meredith Martin | Apr 11, 2013 | Apps, classroom management, How-To, iPads, Presentations, professional development, resources, Sharing
Using Socrative from Meredith Martin Note: Something was wrong with my mic, so unfortunately there is no sound for this vid. Hopefully I’ll have it fixed for next...
by Meredith Martin | Apr 4, 2013 | Apps, How-To, iPads, Presentations, professional development, Sharing, web app
Using Nearpod to Create Interactive Lesson Plans from Meredith...
by Meredith Martin | Mar 21, 2013 | How-To, Presentations, professional development, resources
Creating Classroom Websites from Meredith...
by Meredith Martin | Mar 15, 2013 | How-To, Presentations, professional development, resources, web app
Resources from my Google Forms workshop below. Google forms in the classroom from Meredith...
by Meredith Martin | Mar 6, 2013 | Collaboration, How-To, professional development, resources, Sharing
Resources from today’s workshop on using Twitter. Twitter for Teachers from Meredith...