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Yesterday was a fabulous day.  I spent the day at Jonathan Dayton High School in Springfield, NJ for the annual Edcamp NJ.  I’d been asked to run the Makerspace for the event, so I collected my usual minions…I mean, assistants…and we arrived bright and early to set up.  I brought my usual assortment of Dollar Store STEM activities, along with the Polar3D printer, several drones, Sphero robots, and materials to make lightsabers!


Dan brought along his soldering kits and Arduino goodies, Dave brought a great collection of electronics, and Marcos brought another Polar3D as well as some more Spheros and a Nao robot.  It made for a great variety of activities and demos for teachers and administrators.


The Makerspace was a huge success.  I spent a good portion of the day talking to educators about adding STEM and Maker programs to their schools and classrooms.  I did find some time for making, and in addition to demoing brush- and cup-bots, I made a full sized lightsaber and a handful of mini lightsabers.  (My big saber is purple, of course!)IMG_20151121_100543978



I also managed to slam-dunk my big drone into one of the basketball nets in the gym.  Oops!


The Mobile Makerspace continues to grow and expand as I add more activities to it and also connect with other makers willing to join in and help out.  I can’t wait to see what the future brings for the Mobile Makerspace.