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My 6th grade students are learning about cells in science this trimester.  This year, thanks to a successful Donor’s Choose project, I have five digital microscopes to share with the kids.  I was blown away by how excited they were to look at the slides of plant and animal cells.  The microscopes we are using are entry level digital  ‘scopes, but they produce some great pictures.  We have been using them with the Chromebooks and the Camera app.  It’s been fun watching the kids come in trying to act indifferent when I know within five minutes they will be oooh-ing, ahh-ing, and giggling as they crowd around the ‘scopes and the Chromebooks.


Once the slides had been viewed, the kids quickly moved on to look for other items to put under the microscopes.  From hair to tape to old raisins, they were fascinated by the closeup views.  It was wonderful to see all of the kids excited about science!



Below are some of the photos they captured of their slides and other objects around the classroom.