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It’s been a while since I posted about my progress in transforming my old computer lab into a brand new STEM lab.  Mrs. Jordan (Art teacher and best friend!) has been working with me to make this space engaging and inviting to the students and teachers.  Progress was slowed for a while because 750+ Chromebooks and their carts arrived and we spent several weeks with the lab looking like a disaster zone as we unpacked Chromebooks, assembled carts, and got everything set up for the rollout.  We finally conquered masses of work, and the Chromebooks have been delivered to the classrooms, leaving space for Mrs. Jordan and I to finally continue our design work.

When the old computer tables were removed, the room looked very bare and institutional.  I wanted the physical environment to be (almost) as exciting as the lessons will be, so it was time to shake things up a bit.  We decided to paint the entire back wall purple to match the trim on the new lab tables, and to add our STEM logo and symbols around the room.  We are still working on it, but the room already looks so much better than before.  Our back wall is finished, and we have started on the symbols around the room.  We are having an Open House on December 1 to celebrate the new lab, so we want to have the majority of the work done by then.

Looking beyond just the physical space, we have so many exciting new things to try in our new lab.  In addition to the Chromebooks, we have our two 3D printers that the kids can’t wait to use.  We were also lucky enough to get the LittleBits Pro Library so we can begin working with circuits.  I’ve been busy working on creating some great lessons and activities to get started with once we officially open the doors for business.  I can’t wait to share more once we get up and running.