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This has been a busy week for me.  Monday I attended Edcamp Leadership in Philly, Tuesday was Edcamp STEAM in North Brunswick, and Thursday was Padcamp in Galloway.  It was exhausting, but a lot of fun.

At Edcamp Leadership, I got to connect with a lot of old friends, and make some new ones.  I went to a session on Voxer first, where I learned about this great walkie-talkie type app.  It looks like a great way to connect with fellow educators.  I also attended a session on working with disconnected and disinterested teachers.  Lots of great ideas were tossed around.  I wrapped up with a session on apps for administrators and a session on MakeyMakey, Makerbot, and Minecraft.  Perfect timing since my 3-D printer arrived today!

Edcamp STEAM was incredibly awesome.  I spent most of the day running the Tinker Space, but there were a ton of great session going on throughout the day.  Since my STEM lab is starting to take shape, it was nice to get to trial run some of the challenges and experiments I’d like to do in it.

Padcamp on Thursday was also a great event.  Although I was pretty wiped out from the excitement previously, I somehow got roped into facilitating at all 3 session – one on Chromebooks in the classroom, one on Google Classroom, and the last on Cool Apps for Teachers.

Although it was a crazy, exhausting week, I had a wonderful time at all three events.  I’m already planning ahead for next year’s Edcamp STEAM!  Below are some of my favorite pics from STEAM.

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