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I’m a geek, I freely admit it.  I love new technology, and I love finding ways to use it in the classroom.  This weekend was one of the biggest geek moments of my life so far.  I traveled to NYC on Saturday to visit the Google Glass Studio above Chelsea Market so I could meet my Glass Guide who would help me fit my new Glass, and train me in how to use it.  My Guide was extremely helpful and walked me through the whole setup process, then taught me the commands and gestures to use it.  I spent some of the train ride home experimenting with the camera and posting those pics to Facebook and Google+.


My Glass Guide

Today is my first day wearing them out and about at work.  So far it seems like half the students recognize it on sight, while most adults seem a bit confused by it.  I’ve been explaining them to people as the day goes on, and getting a lot of positive responses.  Right now, I’m still in the ‘Wheee, cool new toy!’ phase, but what I really want to do is to find meaningful ways to use them in the classroom.  I’ve joined the Google Glass in Education community, as well as the Glass Explorers community.  I’ve also started a new Pinterest board to collect and curate articles on using Glass in education.  If you use Glass in your classroom, or have ideas on how it can be used, I’d love to hear your thoughts!