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splashtop icon

One of the things I love about using my iPad in school is the way it frees me from being stuck at my desk while demoing a lesson.  There are various apps available that let you control your desktop using your iPad.  For me, this is a wonderful tool – I hate being stuck at my desk while teaching, I’d rather be up and moving.  Now I can demonstrate a lesson on the Promethean Board from anywhere in the room.  I can walk around and make sure students are on task while in the middle of a demo.  I can even hand the iPad off to a student to have them demonstrate what they just learned!

Last year was the first time I used an iPad in class, and I tried out the Splashtop Remote Desktop app as a means of controlling my desktop remotely.  It worked very well!  I was able to teach from anywhere in the room.  It made me more aware of what my students were doing, and it made my students pay more attention.

LogMeIn Icon

When I learned we were doing an iPad pilot this year, Splashtop was one of the first apps I thought of.  I knew my colleagues would find it as useful as I did.  The only problem was the cost.  We have a very limited budget for apps right now, and we want to make the most of the money we have.  Thanks to one of our techs, I discovered LogMeIn.  LogMeIn is another remote desktop app.  It does everything Splashtop does, but it’s FREE!  I like free!  There are paid versions of LogMeIn available, which offer some upgraded options, but for basic classroom use the free version is plenty.