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Ms. Martin & Mrs. Moyer at Padcamp 2012

Ms. Martin & Mrs. Moyer at Padcamp 2012

Wow, the year is off to a busy, but fun, start!  Yesterday was the first day since school started that I left the building before 4:30.  I haven’t minded working late because I am extremely excited about our iPad pilot this year.  As I mentioned in a previous post, we are piloting iPads in the district this year.  Four of our sixth grade teachers have dedicated carts in their rooms with an iPad for each student to use.  We also have a mobile cart of 25 that other staff members can sign out for use in their classrooms.  Last but not least, we have a functional skills class that is using iPads to help their non-verbal students communicate!

I am thrilled to be part of this program from the ground up.  I was asked by the administration to assist in setting up the iPads and getting them ready for use, but it’s become a lot more than just the technical end of it.  In addition to the hardware end of it, I’ve also become very involved with the teaching end of it.  I am fortunate to work with a very enthusiastic, innovative group of teachers and administrators who are as excited as I am to see this program implemented.  We have formed an ‘iPLC’ group consisting of myself, the pilot teachers, our librarian, and our vice principal that meets every other week or so to discuss progress, problems, implementation, and ideas.  This group is going to be amazing at coming up with ways to implement this program successfully and creatively.  Our meetings so far have been extremely productive, and we are constantly amazed at how fast an hour flies by when we get together.

We had our ‘official’ launch in the sixth grade classrooms last week, which I was fortunate enough to be able to attend.  We used a simple QR code scavenger hunt to introduce the students to their new devices.  I’m not sure who was having more fun – the students or the teachers!  Next week, I will be traveling from classroom to classroom with the iPad cart to introduce it to the rest of the school.  I can’t wait!

I have a feeling that many of my posts this year (and I’m determined to keep up with it better!) will be iPad related.  I have high hopes for this pilot program, and I’m determined to expand it in coming years.