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Class Dojo's iOS App

Image from http://www.classdojo.com/ios

I am a huge fan of Class Dojo, which I raved about in a previous post.  I’ve managed to infect several other teachers in our district with my love of this site, and they in turn have gone on to share with with their grade-level partners and other co-workers.  It’s been causing quite a buzz among both teacher and administration in my building.

This year, those of us using it were thrilled when Class Dojo announced their new app for the iP*d (Android support is apparently in the works).  Previously, those of us with iDevices simply dragged a link to Class Dojo to our home screen.  It worked fine, but the new app makes it even more functional and simple!  With the implementation of iPads this year, Class Dojo will be very handy.  We plan to use the custom behaviors in the program to help assess our iPad pilot.  This will make it extremely easy for our teachers to monitor and keep track of iPad usage, participation, and involvement.

If you are not already using Class Dojo, go check it out – even if you don’t have an iOS device!