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Back to School


It’s the end of August, and almost time to return to school. Unlike many teachers who dread the end of summer, I can’t wait to jump back into the swing of things. It’s going to be a great year here in the lab! We have a brand new computer curriculum, which means brand new projects to try out. Some will go great, others will suffer from glitches, but it’ll be a fun learning experience all around.

Last year, my just-for-fun personal goal was to get at least 100 hours of professional development in one year, and it was amazingly easy. Between all of the EdCamps, PETE&C, and NJECC, I easily achieved that goal with room to spare. This year I’m going for a more serious goal. I have been doing a lot of presenting on tech subjects in-district, but this year I’m going to kick myself into gear and start doing more presenting at out of district conferences and workshops. I’ve just submitted my first proposal to PETE&C, and am thinking of submitting a second workshop. I am also determined to present some sessions at EdCamps this year. Yesterday at PadCamp, I assisted in a presentation, but it’s time to step up and start doing some myself.

We are also implementing an iPad pilot here at JMT that I am very excited about. Four 6th grade teachers will be piloting the use of iPads in the classroom, and we’ve decided to form an iPLC that meets once a month to share ideas and issues related to this pilot.

Buckle up, folks! It’s going to be a wild (but fun!) ride this year!