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BookClubIt Logo

The most interesting new link to come across my feeds this morning was the new site BookClubIt.  This site is still in Beta at this time, but looks to have a pretty good potential.  The basic premise is simple.  Create an account, and then either join or create your own book clubs.  The registration process is fairly simple, but does require an email address to sign up.  Once you have your account, you are taken to your dashboard where you can either join existing book clubs or make one of your own.

Creating your own book club is also simple and streamlined.  Simply choose a book, name your club, fill in some other basic information, and then invite other people to join your book club.  You can make your club public so that anyone can join, or (handy for classroom use!) you can make it private so that only people you invite can access it.   After you have created your club and invited people to join, you can easily access the club through your dashboard.  The book you are currently discussing will be displayed on the main page of your club, and you have the option to set meetings if you want to have a physical get-together, or to start discussions online.  You can easily add new books to your club list as you finish discussing each one, and you can access previous books and discussions as well.

This looks like a neat way to involve students in a book discussion.  It would also make a great option for teacher book clubs as well.  I look forward to seeing what new updates bring to this website.