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Livebinders Logo

Livebinders may just be my favorite new web 2.0 tool that I’ve come across this year!  This great site starts with the simple concept of a virtual 3 ring binder.  With a few simple clicks of the mouse you can add websites, videos, PDFs, and images to your binder.  You can create tabs and subtabs within binders to organize them, and add commentary and instructions along with your data.  The websites, documents, and images you add to your binder are displayed full screen like pages in a book, instead of just text links, so viewers can quickly and easily see your resources.

You can create Livebinders on just about anything you can think of – study guides, projects, resources, and more!  There are endless possibilities for both teachers and students.  Livebinders also make a great presentation tool – a great alternative to the traditional Powerpoint presentation.  You can compile all the resources for a lesson or workshop in one binder and easily share it with a group using a projector or interactive white board.  Sharing the websites and other resources with students or colleagues is as simple as sharing a link to your binder.

There are tons of great Livebinders already created that you can browse, making the site itself a great resource for multiple subjects.  You can add to these resources by making your binders public, or you can create private binders for your own use.  Adding to your binders is easily done from any computer, and their bookmarklet tool makes it a snap to add webpages to a binder as you are browsing the web.

My Livebinder of technology resources: