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Today’s grand adventure: @kerszi and I took a trip to Fazzio’s to explore the surplus side of the store.  Pro Tip – Maker shopping is twice as fun with a friend!  As I mentioned in my previous post about this place, it’s extremely overwhelming.  Kathi and I spent quite a lot of time hollering to each other from adjacent aisles to ‘Come check this out!’

We were having so much fun, we thought they were joking when they told us we needed to wrap up so they could close…Oops!  Neither of us were done shopping, but that just means we’ll have to come back again another day.  The horror…

I did score some new goodies for the STEM lab.  My best find: aprons for $0.50 each, or 3 for $1.00!  Now I can have a class set of lab aprons.  I also spotted safety glasses for $0.95 each, but that will be a separate trip.


I also picked up a huge roll of labels for about $3.50, some old gears to decorate my wall with, and even some DANGER signs.  I plan to add ‘Kids Working’ to the bottom of those and hang them on my lab doors.  All in all, a wonderful day.  Looking forward to Wednesday’s Maker Club meetup, followed by another trip to Fazzio’s.
