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Journey On The Rock Cycle

Journey On The Rock Cycle

My fourth graders are learning about the rock cycle, and I found the game Journey On The Rock Cycle online.  In this activity, students move between different stations in the rock cycle, and roll a die at each one to discover what happens to their rock and where they...
Dollar Store STEM: Topographic Maps

Dollar Store STEM: Topographic Maps

I love fun foam sheets.  Thankfully, my dollar store keeps me well stocked with them.  This time, we used them in fourth grade to make 3D topographic maps.  They are VERY easy to make.  All you need are some foam sheets in different colors, scissors, glue, sharpies,...
Homemade Fossils In Fourth Grade

Homemade Fossils In Fourth Grade

My fourth grade students are incredibly lucky.  They are going on a field trip to Mantua’s Inversand Fossil Dig.  They will have a chance to learn about fossil formation, and even dig for their own fossils.  I wish I was going on this trip! Because they are...