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Every few years, my main website – Tech For Teachers – undergoes changes. Sometimes it is as simple as a facelift, the last major one occurring when I switched to using WordPress as the foundation. Other times, it involves content changes, such as when I switched over to Symbaloo and had a much easier time collecting and curating resources.

This week brings another content upgrade to Tech For Teachers. Don’t worry, you’ll still find the resources you know and love, I’ve just added a few more and tried to organize it better. Previously, I had a page of resources for each grade level, which was fine for a while. As the collection grew, it became apparent that I needed to make some changes to make it easier to find what you are looking for. With that in mind, each grade level now has several nested pages of resources that break up links into categories such as Language Arts Literacy, Math, Science & Social Studies, and Cross Curricular. Existing links have been moved to the appropriate categories, and I have added a bunch of new ones to each section. I’ve also added some pages of general elementary education resources, as well as a page of Dr. Seuss resources for Read Across America Day.

I hope this makes it easier for you to navigate and find specific resources. As always, if there are any broken links or if you have one you think should be added, drop me a line!