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Wunderlist Icon


I am concentrating this year on keeping myself better organized.  I’m one of those people who has a brain spinning with great ideas, but I rarely pin one down to actually work on it.  Last year, I attended a session on productivity in the classroom at an EdCamp.  We had a rousing discussion about how to help ourselves stay on task.  It was nice to know I’m not the only one out there who has problems with this.

The one tool people kept coming back to and raving about was Wunderlist. This is a great free tool for helping you manage your life.  It is available as a web app, a download for PC or Mac, and an app for iOS or Android.  I love having it available on multiple devices – now wherever I am I can access it quickly.

Wunderlist at its most basic lets you create To-Do lists.  It can go way beyond that with its features, though.  You can have multiple lists – for example, I have one for school and one for personal items.  You can prioritize and schedule due dates for items.  You can set reminders for items, and even write more detailed notes about them.  Whatever you add to your list gets automatically synchronized with all of your devices running the app.  You can also share lists with others, which is great for team projects.

Having Wunderlist has really helped me settle down and work my way through projects one at a time instead of flitting around between several and finishing none.  It’s very satisfying to check items off my list, even though I am always adding new ones.  I just remind myself to follow the list in priority order.  This has been a huge help to me this year!  Try it out, it’s free!