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This Saturday I drove to Brick, NJ for the 25th annual NJAET conference.  I haven’t been to this conference in several years, so it was nice to go back again.  This year, I was presenting one of the sessions – Cool Tools for Teachers.  I talked about several of my favorite free online tools for education, including my personal favorites: SymbalooEDU, Wunderlist, and Class Dojo.  I was surprised and flattered to have standing room only at my session.  I had people sitting on the floor, standing in the back, and hanging in the doorways to listen!  It was a bit nervewracking, but also enjoyable.  I received a lot of nice compliments, and spent most of lunch talking with the wonderful folks from St. Mary of the Lakes School about the possibility of me providing some teacher training for them.  I also got to sit in on several other great sessions on using the iPad in the classrooms, since I can never seem to get enough of that.  It was definitely a great way to spend a Saturday.  This coming weekend I’m off to EdCamp NYC!