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Brainpop Webinar

Many educators know about the wonderful BrainPop website that hosts tons of short educational videos.  I love their Digital Citizenship category when I teach about online safety.  They have a lot of great resources for students, but did you know they also have some amazing resources for teachers as well?  If you visit BrainPop Educators, you will find their blog for educators, lesson plan links, standards links, and also training links!  If you visit their training section, you’ll find even more resources, whether you are planning to present about BrainPop to others, or need to learn more yourself.

One of the best features of their training section is the Webinars page.  On this page, they have a list of all of their upcoming FREE webinars.  You can sign up for any of them, and attend from home in your PJs!  This Wednesday, October 19th, there is a webinar on Navigating the Writing Process with Kerpoof and BrainPOP.  I’ll be attending this one, since I am introducing my students to Kerpoof this week.  If you scroll down to the bottom of the webinars page you’ll find their archive of past webinars, so that even if you can’t make one in person, you can still access all of the great information.  If you have an hour to spare, why not use it for some online professional development at BrainPop?