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Lightsaber Build

Lightsaber Build

This weekend I joined the folks at Maker Depot for a lightsaber class.  It was tons of fun, and resulted in an awesome looking prop lightsaber.  They are fun and easy to make with just a few items.  Here’s how! Materials:       Let’s Build...
3D Printing Fun

3D Printing Fun

As we begin to wrap up the school year, my 4th and 6th graders are finishing up their 3D design projects and getting ready to print.  In the meantime, I have succumbed to the allure of 3D printing and purchased my own printer for home use.  While I admit the main...
Cheer Up, Buttercup!

Cheer Up, Buttercup!

Between evil allergies, migraines, and PARCC EOY testing, this has not been the greatest week.  I usually try to stay upbeat, but the triple whammy this week has had me feeling tired and cranky.  Thankfully, just when I needed it most, my friend Laurie shared this...
Friday Fun

Friday Fun

Friend and fellow educator Jay Eitner posted this image on Twitter this morning, and it was too good not to share!  Happy Friday...