Student resources arranged by topic and grade level.
Links and Resources for Teachers
Information about the Mobile Makerspace

Information about training and speaking opportunities. – Coming Soon

The ramblings of a teacher geek.Great Resource on Technology & the Common Core
This great resource came across my Twitter feed from @shellterell and it was too good not to share! This slideshow has a great breakdown of activities and resources for all grade levels. 2012 Infusing Technology into the Common Core from Tia...
read moreInstagrok – A New Way To Search
I admit it, I’m a Google Gal at heart. When I need to find something, Google search is my first line of defense. It takes a lot to make me try a different search engine, but I was completely wowed by Instagrok. Instagrok is a very different type of search...
read moreMakerspace Playbook
Are you interested in starting a Makerspace in your school? Check out this free handbook on how to get...
read moreCircuit Stickers
I am enthralled with the idea of Circuit Stickers! This crowdfunded project is creating simple circuits embedded in stickers that will allow you to create amazing things. The concept is a neat one, and I pledged towards this project a while back. It has now...
read moreStoodle – Collaborative Whiteboard
Stoodle is a very nifty web tool for creating collaborative whiteboards. It can be used on the iPad or on a desktop/laptop. No registration is necessary, simple start a new class classroom, share the URL with others, and begin collaborating. Microphone...
read moreKahoot! An Easy To Use, Multi-Device Quiz Platform
Kahoot! is a new tool for teachers that is similar to apps such as Socrative or Nearpod. Kahoot allows teachers to create multimedia quizzes and present them to students in a game based environment. Teachers design their quizzes and surveys online at the...
read moreMasteryConnect Resource Pins – Pinterest For The Common Core
If you have not already tried it, Mastery Connect is a fantastic tool to aid teachers in aligning lessons and assessments to the Common Core. Basic teacher accounts are free, and give you access to a wealth of materials aligned to the CCSS. Recently, Mastery Connect...
read moreSimple Search Lesson
Our fourth graders are all beginning research projects, so I’ve been popping into some of the classrooms to do a quick lesson on effective searching. The kids really seem to enjoy it, and many are amazed at how much easier it is to find what they are looking...
read moreNewsela – Leveled Nonfiction Text
Newsela is a web tool I learned about at Edcamp Baltimore this year. This free site provides news articles from around the globe in a format designed for students. One of the best features of this site is the ability to adjust the lexile level of each text based on...
read moreEdcamp STEAM on Classroom Closeup
Over the summer, I was a member of the planning team for Edcamp STEAM – a conference focused on adding the arts to STEM education. NJEA spent the day with us filming for their Classroom Closeup show. The episode has finally aired, and I can share it with you....
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