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Lots of Learning!

  It’s been a busy week for me, with lots of opportunities to be a student instead of a teacher for a little while.  Wednesday was our County-wide In Service day, and I had the chance to do some more work revising our technology curriculum.  It’s...

The Edscape Conference

This Saturday I had the pleasure to attend the Edscape Conference at New Milford High School.  Having just gotten back the night before from three days of camping with my fifth graders, I almost didn’t get up in the morning to go, but I am so glad I dragged...

EdCamp Updates

In my previous post, I raved about the wonders of EdCamp, the FREE unconference run by teachers, for teachers. My enthusiasm for the concept has not waned over the summer. In fact, I keep refreshing the main Edcamp page almost daily to see if there are any new events...