by Meredith Martin | Jun 7, 2015 | 3D Printing, Just for Fun, STEM
As we begin to wrap up the school year, my 4th and 6th graders are finishing up their 3D design projects and getting ready to print. In the meantime, I have succumbed to the allure of 3D printing and purchased my own printer for home use. While I admit the main...
by Meredith Martin | Jun 5, 2015 | conference, edcamp, professional development
It’s hard to believe that a week ago at this time I was at the US Department of Education in Washington DC with about a hundred other educators from across the country for EdcampDOED, also known as EdcampUSA. I hopped on a train after school on Thursday and...
by Meredith Martin | Jun 5, 2015 | How-To, STEM, Storage
I’ve been talking at a lot of conferences lately about STEM labs and Makerspaces, and as a result I often get questions about storage and organization. Obviously, your situation may vary based on your space, but here is what has worked for me so far. Portable...
by Meredith Martin | May 7, 2015 | Just for Fun, STEM
Between evil allergies, migraines, and PARCC EOY testing, this has not been the greatest week. I usually try to stay upbeat, but the triple whammy this week has had me feeling tired and cranky. Thankfully, just when I needed it most, my friend Laurie shared this...
by Meredith Martin | Apr 28, 2015 | programming, resources, STEM
Last week, I splurged and bought the boardgame Robot Turtles to try out with my primary students. The new tech standards for NJ have a strong focus on programming concepts in the early grades, and I had heard a lot about this unplugged activity for grades K-1. The...