by Meredith Martin | Oct 18, 2015 | 3D Printing, Collaboration, conference, General Update, MakerEd, professional development, STEM
It’s been pretty busy here in Tech For Teachers Land. The STEM Lab is getting into full swing, and work is keeping me busy, but there have also been a lot of other events and activities happening during my so-called downtime. On Monday, I was honored to present...
by Meredith Martin | Oct 18, 2015 | MakerEd, Math, STEM
Last week we did one of my favorite STEM projects, the Marshmallow Catapult. Since it’s close to Halloween, instead of marshmallows, we launched plastic eyeballs from the dollar store! The kids had a ton of fun, and we had eyeballs flying all over the room....
by Meredith Martin | Oct 10, 2015 | Just for Fun, resources, Sharing
The other day I mentioned @shakeuplearning‘s awesome Halloween Magnetic Poetry created in Google Drawings. After reading about it, I was inspired to create my own. After getting some programming assistance from @gersteinj, who created an amazing app to turn a...
by Meredith Martin | Oct 9, 2015 | conference, MakerEd, Presentations, professional development, resources, Sharing, STEM
Last Friday, I was invited to be a keynote speaker for the EIRC’s Gifted and Talented Fair. I was asked to talk about STEM/STEM projects for gifted students. I had a wonderful audience, and we even made our own Punkin’ Chuckin’ catapults! Below...
by Meredith Martin | Oct 8, 2015 | Collaboration, General Update, professional development, Sharing
I love Twitter. I know some of my colleagues think I’m a bit crazy when I continually extoll the virtues of being a connected educator, but I really can’t imagine my life as an educator without it now. Twitter has become a powerful resource for me in...