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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving my friends!  I hope you all have a relaxing holiday filled with family, friends, and food.  I am spending the holiday with my parents, and then on Friday I am joining a group of fellow educators for a day of fun and making at a friend’s design...
Dollar Store STEM: Topographic Maps

Dollar Store STEM: Topographic Maps

I love fun foam sheets.  Thankfully, my dollar store keeps me well stocked with them.  This time, we used them in fourth grade to make 3D topographic maps.  They are VERY easy to make.  All you need are some foam sheets in different colors, scissors, glue, sharpies,...
Getting Geared Up For Hour Of Code

Getting Geared Up For Hour Of Code

Next month, the annual Hour Of Code takes place.  I’ve had my students involved in this for years, and I am looking forward to introducing a new crop of kids to it this year.  In my K-3 building, I have started my introduction to programming unit with all of the...