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Flashlightsaber Build

Flashlightsaber Build

So, I’ve been on a Star Wars kick lately with the new movie due out soon.  What better way to celebrate than to make a mini flashlightsaber with a flashlight from Harbor Freight and some 3D printing? Your cast of characters: Mini flashlight from Harbor Freight...
Happy Anniversary, #CoffeeEduNJ

Happy Anniversary, #CoffeeEduNJ

Today was a special day.  Today we celebrated one year of fun and friends at #CoffeeEduNJ.  For those new to #CoffeeEdu, it was started by the awesome Alice Keeler as a way for educators of all types to get together informally to chat about life, the universe, and...
Journey On The Rock Cycle

Journey On The Rock Cycle

My fourth graders are learning about the rock cycle, and I found the game Journey On The Rock Cycle online.  In this activity, students move between different stations in the rock cycle, and roll a die at each one to discover what happens to their rock and where they...