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I love updates to Google Apps, and last week I was thrilled to learn about two new updates to Google Docs that can be very useful for students and teachers.

The first is Document Outline.  This handy tool automatically scans your document for headers and creates an outline in a panel on the left of the screen.  The outline is clickable, and lets you jump directly to a specific section.  If you don’t have headers, Google will attempt to find logical sections in your work for the outline.  To use this tool, simply go to Tools -> Document Outline.

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The second update is Download As ePub.  Google has long had the option to download your documents in different formats such as Word or PDF, but now you can export your files as ePubs, ready to load on an e-reader or tablet!  What a great way for kids to start creating their own digital classroom library.  Simply go to FILE -> DOWNLOAD AS -> ePUB to use this tool

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