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I’m in Fresno, CA right now, having spent yesterday training another district on GAFE.

As I promised, I’m sharing the digital resources from the presentation, as well as some of my other Google resources.  Please feel free to use and share.

Workshop Handbook – Make Best Use Of Free Google Apps And Tools To Enhance Content Learning (Grades K-6)

Tutorial: Adding Polls in Google Classroom

Tutorial: Presenter View In Google Slides

Tutorial: Google Spaces

Tutorial: Sharing Expiration Dates

Tutorial: Voice Typing In Google Docs

Handout: Awesome Google Tools: Beyond Google Drive

Tutorial: Making Posters & Other Large Documents With Google Drive

Tutorial: Google Classroom

Tutorial: Easy eBook Creation With Google Slides

Handout: Amazing Chrome Apps & Extensions To Enhance Teaching & Learning

Tutorial: Google Slides For Desktop Publishing & Interactives

Handout: Assorted Google Tutorials

Sample Digital Interactives: Dinosaurs | Butterflies  (Created by Chris Aviles)

Presentation: Virtual Field Trips With Google

Presentation: Apps and Add-Ons for Google Drive

Presentation: Chrome Apps & Extensions

Presentation: Digital Interactives With Google Slides