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It’s the end of the school year, so I know my fellow teachers understand the craziness in my life right now.  I have an update on the Extraordinaires project that I need to write up soon, but in the meantime, here’s a brief update on what I’ve been up to lately.

The Mobile Makerspace went to the Bacon Bytes conference in Millville, NJ.  We had a great day tinkering and learning.

Rowan University had a STEAM Day, and I spent some time checking out all the cool exhibits and activities.

Kathi, Dan, Dave, and I had a fun MakerEd Day at the Mullica Hill EIRC where I got my papier mache skills on!

I attended the AMAZING Edcamp Organizers Summit and got to spend a wonderful weekend with friends, including Kristin Swanson and Hadley Ferguson.

I taught a So You Want To Be A Maker class for teachers at Maker Depot, and in addition to talking about curriculum based maker activities, we also did the Cardboard Challenge and designed an arcade game.

We had a wonderful speaker at our CSTASNJ meeting, Michael Kolling, creator of BlueJ and Greenfoot.  We learned about some great programming tools for students.

And, most recently, I spent a day at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia for the 7th annual EdCamp Philly.  I brought the Makerspace, and also helped facilitate a session on Design Thinking with Kathi and Kevin.

This weekend, I’ll have the Makerspace at the Tomorrow’s Classrooms Today conference – no rest for the crazy educator!