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We’re on to part three of our design challenge with the Extraordinaires Design Studio, and the kids are loving it.  For round three, we are beginning our feedback portion of the project.  Teams are given ten minutes at the beginning of class to finalize their designs, and then it’s presentation time.  Teams are partnered up and share their challenge and designs with each other.  After listening to their partner team’s presentation, the other team is responsible to asking questions and giving feedback and suggestions.  The presenting team can then decide whether to incorporate their suggestions into the design, or not. After both teams have presented and given feedback, they go meet with a different team to start the process over again.

I was a little worried about how this stage would go, but once again my students proved to me how awesome they are.  Their presentations were well thought out, and the teams giving feedback were serious and supportive.  The kids are so excited to share their designs with others, and very proud of the work they have done so far.  I have seen many amazing designs, and I can’t wait until we get to the prototyping stage in a few weeks.  Below are some of the notes from the students’ design journals.

Today, we finished our final wizard wand design. We designed a hat with WiFi, and finished our glasses design. We met with two groups who had very interesting ideas, and they seemed to enjoy ours as well. We decided on a name for the wizard’s communication device: WCD2 . It’s all coming along really well, and my group works VERY well together. This project is getting more and more fun every STEM Class!

Today we finished our projects on paper and dicussed our desighn with two groups. It was really fun to share ideas and get to have feedback on how we could make our design better. I think today was great and can’t wait to come back in to more weeks! Adios.

Today my group improved our design and made it better then last time. We also went to 2 different groups to see what there’s was there designs were awesome and very creative. Next time I want to see all the creative designs. ALso I think that our design was very awesome and very creative I love all the ideas that my group has come up I can’t wait for next stem to see.