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I have discovered that 3D printing is highly addicting.  Once you start, you just want to make more and more!  It doesn’t help when many of your friends are also hooked on 3D printing and keep sharing ideas and models.  I have a feeling a good portion of my winter break will be spent designing and printing.

One of my goals for this year is to learn how to use 3D printing meaningfully in education.  I don’t want it to just be a tool to print out little toys and items, I want to be able to tie 3D printing in with my STEM lessons and with classroom curriculum.  To that end, I am spending Saturday at Maker Depot for a 3D design and printing class for educators.  If you want to join us, there’s still time to register!

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While my ultimate goal is to use 3D design and printing with my students, there’s also something to be said for pre-designed models and items that can be printed for use as teaching and learning tools in the classroom.  Thingiverse has tons of education related files that anyone can download, print, and use.  I’ve been collecting my favorites, and at some point I need to make the time to start printing them.  Check out some of these incredible models:

animal cell 3d model

Animal Cell 3D Model

DNA Construction Kit

DNA Construction Kit

3D Printed Microscope

3D Printed Microscope

Geometry Connectors

Geometry Connectors

I have to print a model Mars Rover soon!

I have to print a model Mars Rover soon!

What will YOU 3D print?