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Today was a special day.  Today we celebrated one year of fun and friends at #CoffeeEduNJ.  For those new to #CoffeeEdu, it was started by the awesome Alice Keeler as a way for educators of all types to get together informally to chat about life, the universe, and education.  Attendees meet at a local coffee shop or similar eatery for coffee and conversation.  The topics can be on anything of interest to those attending, and the event officially lasts only one hour, although people are welcome to stay longer (and often do).



Anyone can host a #CoffeeEdu, and they have sprung up locally all around the country.  Our local group, #CoffeeEduNJ, usually meets at least once a month, and today was the one year anniversary.  We had an amazing turnout at the Better World Market, and I had a great time catching up with friends.  Jonathan Rochelle joined us and brought along a Google Expeditions kit for everyone to try out, and Steve Isaacs brought his Oculus Rift, which was a huge hit with kids of all ages.


If you’ve never been to a #CoffeeEdu, check out the hashtag on Twitter to find one local to you, or start your own!

