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So, I’ve been on a Star Wars kick lately with the new movie due out soon.  What better way to celebrate than to make a mini flashlightsaber with a flashlight from Harbor Freight and some 3D printing?

Your cast of characters:

  • Mini flashlight from Harbor Freight – you can get two of them for $2!
  • 3D printed hilt and blade parts from this awesome build on Thingiverse
  • Glue – my first attempt used superglue.  It was OK, but messy and left an unsightly film on the metal parts of the flashlight.  Second time around, I used hot glue, and it was perfect!

Harbor Freight Flashlight



3D printed hilt and blade parts. I printed the blade in translucent PLA, but it will also work with non-translucent.



Remove the wrist strap from the flashlight.



Heat up your glue gun!



Glue the flared hilt piece to the top of the flashlight.



Glue the non-flared piece to the bottom, over the power button.



Your hilt is just about ready! You can glue the button on at this point as well. I secured mine over the Harbor Freight logo.



Almost done! Now glue the blade inside the flared hilt piece over the bulbs.



Light it up, baby!

May the Force be with you…