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Google Apps Qualified Individual Certificate


In early October, I decided to take the plunge and sign up for the exams to become Google Apps for Education Qualified.  We’ve been using Google Apps here at school for several years now, and I’m already a Google Certified Teacher, so this seemed like the next logical progression.  To achieve this certification I had to take and pass six exams on Google Apps products: Mail, Calendar, Sites, Docs, Other Tools, and Administration.  I’ve been working my way through the tests for the past two months – it’s amazing how much there is to know about all of these tools!  Some of it I was already familiar with, but I also learned a great deal more about features I never knew existed!  I’m very happy to have passed all my exams, and now it’s time to start thinking about completing the application to become an Apps Certified Trainer.  Never a dull moment!