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Socrative Logo

Socrative is one of those tools I wish I’d had access to when I first started teaching.  It’s a free (yay, free!) student response system that works on computers, tablets, and smartphones.  It can be utilized both in a 1:1 device setting, or a single device setting.  It makes getting feedback from your students quick and simple.

With Socrative, there are two parts to the program.  There is a teacher app and a student app.  The teacher app allows you to ask multiple choice, true/false, and open ended questions of your class, as well as providing the ability to give quizzes and collect exit tickets on any subject.  For most of the tools, you can see instant results and easily poll students and tabulate data.  With some of the more advanced tools such as quizzes and exit tickets, Socrative will provide detailed reports of the results and give you the option of emailing or downloading them.

I tried out Socrative with one of my pilot classes the other day, and it worked perfectly.  The classroom teachers were very excited about the possibilities with this app and are already making plans to use it.  I think one of my first tech workshops of this year will be on using Socrative so I can show other teachers the power of this simple app.