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Stay on Track with Wunderlist

  I am concentrating this year on keeping myself better organized.  I’m one of those people who has a brain spinning with great ideas, but I rarely pin one down to actually work on it.  Last year, I attended a session on productivity in the classroom at an...


  Dropbox has become a lifesaver for me.  I am constantly switching between multiple computer (both PC and Mac) and multiple devices (iPads, iPhone, etc), and keeping track of important files no matter where I am was becoming a hassle.  Enter Dropbox.  This free...

Class Dojo's New App

I am a huge fan of Class Dojo, which I raved about in a previous post.  I’ve managed to infect several other teachers in our district with my love of this site, and they in turn have gone on to share with with their grade-level partners and other co-workers....