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As you can probably gather from my posts about it, I’m really enamored with the EdCamp style of conference.  I’ve been attending as many as I can reasonably attend, and have been working up to eventually presenting at one.  I decided to start small, in my comfort zone, and start doing some small workshops here at my school for my fellow teachers.  My ‘little’ plan has somehow taken on life of its own.  My first workshop – on creating teacher websites in Google Sites – is already scheduled and filling up, and I have a huge mental list of other workshops to share with my coworkers.  I’ve also been recruiting other teachers who would be willing to present on various subjects and do their own workshops.  I’ve had great success so far.  I am hoping to eventually get teachers from all three schools involved in sharing ideas and practices with the whole district.  Who knows, maybe one day I’ll organize and run my very own EdCamp!